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Score Cheapest Flights with Best Airline Travel Vouchers

Airfare is a significant expense. However, sometimes you receive the cheapest flight deals in some of the most unusual ways. Think getting bumped from the economy class due to overbooking. Due to such reasons and others, airlines compensate for the business inconveniences in the form of travel voucher. In this article, you will learn about the kinds of travel credit offered by various airlines. So, let’s begin with:

Delta Airlines

Finding cheap airline tickets in the USA is not that hard. Delta Air Lines, for instance, offers vouchers in paper form or electronically. Delta certificates and e-credits can help you save big on airfare. Moreover, the airline doesn’t charge any transaction fee.

You can use Delta’s eCerts in multiple ways:

  • Dollar concessions on your airfare
  • Percentage discounts on your airfare
  • They are also your key to cheap first-class airfare as you can avail of a complimentary upgrade to First Class or Business.

Also, let’s look at some examples of Delta’s eCredits for clarity:

  • A Credit Voucher to compensate service issues.
  • eGift certificates
  • Partially used or completely unused e-Ticket
  • Delta Travel Voucher in exchange of e-Ticket residual value
  • Delta Dollars for bumped passengers.

You can redeem these at any delta ticketing location. You can combine a maximum of three e-Credits per plane ticket booking.

Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines passengers are perhaps the happiest in the aviation industry. All thanks to the airline’s budget and customer-friendly services and policies. When it comes to travel voucher and gift cards, the airline is a great choice.

  • Southwest Gift Card:

You can purchase a Southwest gift card directly from the airline’s official website.

You need to fill a form online and make the payment via credit card. Further, you can purchase a gift card from the airlines’ retail locations.

  • Southwest Travel Funds:

You can cancel a Southwest flight ticket booking up to 10 minutes before departure. Southwest will offer you travel funds in exchange for the fare you paid. Also, this includes taxes, security fees, facility charges, and so on.

You can use such funds for future travel with the airline. All you have to do is book through the official Southwest website. Also, you may make reservations over the phone or at a Southwest ticket counter.

Hawaiian Airlines

Hawaiian Airlines also offers travel credit through vouchers, etc. These can lead you to some of the best discounts on flight tickets. You can take advantage of such special flight deals and cut your airfare.

You have to stay in the swim. Follow airlines on social media is one way to go about it. Also, skimming blogs help. Since people will always write about current travel trends, they may lead you into something insightful.

Moving on, let’s look at some of the credits that Hawaiian offers:

  • Booking Cancelation:

The value of a ticket never used due to flight cancelation Hawaiian settles the unused ticket value against the airline ticket rate for a new purchase.

  • Flight Delay:

You can log in to the necessary details such as name, flight number, date, etc. on You can then proceed to book a new flight. But, remember you have to use this credit within a year from the date of issuance.

  • Consumer Affairs:

Hawaiian offers travel credit through its Consumer Affairs Office via email. Redeem the same against online flight booking price.

American Airlines

American Airlines offers e-vouchers. Here’s how the terms and conditions go:

  • You cannot be redeemed it for cash or credit.
  • Also, they are non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Further, they are void if used for promotional or commercial use.
  • The validity expires a year after the issuance date.
  • American Airlines eVoucher:

Apart from the American Airlines flights, you can redeem these against the American Eagle carriers.

This applies only to flight itineraries sold and originating in the U.S. Moreover, you can use them to get an off on flight booking with any of the Oneworld partners.

  • Using AA e-voucher:

Log in to the official American Airlines website. Also, to retrieve your PIN and eVoucher, use the link in the mail sent to you by the airline. When you reach the payment screen, use the numbers to get discounts.

You can also use these points against excess baggage fees, domestic upgrade, special handling charges, and other services.

United Airlines

Recently, United Airlines gave away $90,000 worth of travel vouchers to nine passengers that were bumped from the class they booked. Further, United Airlines offer electronic certificates.

The airline has discontinued paper certificates. However, you can still exchange them for electronic certificates. Let’s see how you can do that:

  1. Log on to the official United Airlines website.
  2. Enter the necessary details such as name, and paper certificate number.
  3. Upload a copy of the paper certificate and mail it to the airlines.
  4. It takes about 72 hours for the process to complete.
  5. After verification of your paper certificate, United Airlines sends instructions on how to redeem the new electronic certificate via email.

Also, remember that the airlines’ airport locations do not accept paper certificates any longer. You have to follow the above mentioned online process.

Frontier Airlines

Currently, Frontier is not offering any gift card to passengers for direct purchase. However, if you have a Frontier voucher or an ETC (Electronic Travel Certificate), you can redeem it by logging on to the airlines’ website. This is what you have to do:

  1. Apply the voucher by calling the airline’s reservation department or Book flight tickets online.
  2. On the website, locate and click the “HAVE A VOUCHER FROM FRONTIER.”
  3. Next, enter the details such as a voucher or ETC number.
  • Frontier Travel Credit:

On the other hand, if you have flight credit or e-ticket credit, you can use it. For the same, book your airline ticket online with Frontier. Next, look for the “HAVE FRONTIER CREDIT” and feed a six-digit confirmation code. It is the same one that belongs to your original flight ticket booking.

Are Travel Vouchers any Good?

Okay, let’s explore the other side then. Whether travel voucher are any good or not, depends entirely upon the passenger.

There’s a reason why all the airlines offer travel credit through gift cards and vouchers. Why don’t they compensate you for business irregularities in cash? It is because the services are stereotypically overprized as opposed to the value of money.

Nonetheless, travel voucher can still lead to discounted offers on flight ticket bookings. Another good reason to have travel vouchers is that airline alliances. Airlines allow you to redeem your travel credit on the member, partner, and codeshare airlines.

This leads to flexibility in your choice of airlines. Also, you are better network exposure. However, you need to be mindful of the validity of such vouchers. So, plan that great vacation before the credit expires!


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