The Star Wars Saga began in 1977, with the release of the original movie named Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) and the legacy was carried forward by the two sequels that released in short intervals of 3-3 years – The Empire Strikes Back in 1980 and then Return of the Jedi in 1983. It was then after a long gap that Episode I: The Phantom Menace released in 1999, and with the least release of the series in 2015, the total count is 7 so far.
Clearly, the space opera franchise enjoys wide love and adulation from around the world, for it to have kept going on and on…
Today, for the Star War fans out there, we bring you the list of some amazing places that can get the feels of being up close and personal with that amazing world created on-screen:
The Redwood forests take you into the frames, that made into the third film of the franchise- Return of the Jedi. Remember Endor’s forest moon? This very place was used as the setting. When in California, do not miss to visit this place.
This one you probably know. It’s become quite popular because of its repute of being the shooting location for the famous Star Wars. This is the place where Skywalker grew up. The Tatooine, in the film, is actually the North African country called Tunisia. Look for online airfare booking deals and experience it.
The place has ceased to exist if you go by the movie’s fictional world. The home of Princess Leia, Alderaan, was brought down to dust by Death Star. So for the Star War crazy fans, visiting this place will give a weird feeling of being in a place that’s no more there.
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This place features in Attack of the Clones which released in 2002. It is here that Padme Amidala was wooed by Anakin Skywalker for marriage, which was forbidden. Further, book international flights online and re-create one of such love scenes at this picturesque place.
Yavin – in reality Guatemala. Also, the place holds great significance in Star Wars mythology as it is the site where the temples in honor of Sith Lord were built by the metamorphosed slaves and later destroyed by the first Death Star.
So, get set and go! Nail cheap ticket booking to visit these marvelous Star War locations. Proudly show the world how big a fan you are.
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