Health-related Tips for Comfortable and Healthy Air Travel
Health is often the less talked about topic when it comes to air travel, particularly flights to India from USA. There are many things associated with air travel that any discussion on health takes the back seat. Travel and its ways are ever-changing and new methods and means are slowly evolving. The air travel industry has evolved rapidly and is moving very fast. In this fast-paced world, the air industry has really caught up with the pace. Though emerging technologies did have impacted air travel for the good, the compartment size has grown shrinker and shrinker meaning less breathing space which has a direct bearing on health.
The experience of some form of sickness and discomfort during Air travel is not uncommon. Swollen ankles, headaches, dry mouth, and aching limbs are some of the common problems that travelers encounter but are hesitant to talk about and learn more about them. Some of the minor illnesses are bound to occur naturally due to the atmosphere and environment of the cabin.
Cabin pressure in flights simulates the environment that is akin to being at 8000 feet. The experience is much similar to being on a mountain. The low air pressure makes breathing more difficult and the low humidity dehydrates the traveler quickly. Owing to the limitations imposed by the very nature of the cabin you can do nothing to prevent some of the things but some steps in the right direction can really alleviate and prevent some of the discomforts and ailments. For best in-cabin amenities book flights to India from USA only from Flyopedia.
Here is a list of the things that you can undertake to feel Comfortable and Healthy Air Travel
Take more water

The perfect recipe for many minor ailments of the body and mind is to take plenty of water. This also holds true when you are in the air whether on economy or business class flights. Being fully hydrated will let you fully handle anything that air travel throws your way. Water and electrolyte-heavy beverages like sports drinks should be your go-to drinks when in the air as they can help in certain instances. The thumb rule is to avoid caffeinated and fizzy drinks like coffee and soda and drink a bottle of water for every hour of the journey. In this way, you have to use lavatory services many times resulting in much-needed stretching to your legs.
Moisturizer for the skin

While normal humidity in the room conditions is 60-70- percent, it comes down to as low as 10 percent in the airplane and sometimes even touches zero. So you should prepare in advance and arm yourself with a small pack of moisturizer for your dry skin and saline solution for the eyes especially if you wear contact lenses. The one thing you need to remember is to pack a travel size in order to get past the security.
Restrain alcohol
While keeping a tab on last minute deals is a good thing it’s important that you should know that the intake of alcohol poses a double threat to air cabin health and wellness. Alcohol makes it difficult for cells to absorb oxygen which is sure to make your altitude sickness symptoms get worse. Not only this, but alcohol use also dehydrates the body faster in already a low-humid zone. One good alternative is to order a non-caffeinated tea in replacement of an alcoholic beverage.
Strong immune system
A strong immune system goes a long way in protecting you from harmful bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. The airplane cabin has been used by hundreds of people from all walks of life before you, which could mean an increased chance of microorganisms present. In the same cabin, hundreds of individuals breathe at the same time making it easy for spreading harmful bacteria and viruses. You should keep a wipe with you to sanitize the tray and the headrest. But to render useless any types of pests and microorganisms you should work on improving your immune system in the longer run. Choosing healthy habits goes a long way in boosting your immune system against any kind of adversaries during air travel. Flights to India from USA are now available at dirt cheap prices from Flyopdeia.
Move your legs calves
Do you know there is a disease that is called economy class syndrome? Yes, the disease is deep vein thrombosis. It has scientifically been proven sitting immobilized for hours at stretch will increase the chances of DVT. you need to occasionally contract the calf muscles now and then. Just tap your feet on the floor for some time or take a walk down the aisle or to the lavatory to keep moving your calves. Due to intermittent movements, the blood keeps on circulating which is quite healthy for the overall functioning of the body.
Window sleep is the best sleep

While airplane travel is not the most comfortable of the places to sleep especially if you are flying economy. But still, if you are facing jet lag and want to catch a nap then your best bet is the window seat. You would have more control on how much light you wish to let in, moreover, you are freed from the hassle of the climbing seatmates and occasional bumps from the aisle crossing passengers.
Dress comfortably

Everyone desires to be trendy and be in a position to flaunt the flair of fashion in you. Ultimately travel attire is a personal decision for everyone but little cleverness can play a significant role in your air cabin wellness. A layered way of clothing is the key here. Airplanes are colder places and a layered dress will give you the freedom to remove them according to the different temperatures at different airports. You will have the luxury to acclimatize according to the temperature of the space you are in.
Breathe and meditate
It is always a healthy practice to take a few deep breaths when you are settled into your seat. Meditation for 5 minutes will help you clean up your mind and reduce your stress level before the travel. Taking long and deep breaths circulates the amount of oxygen down to vital organs which ultimately refreshes your mood and lead to healthy air travel.
So these were some of the health-related vital tips for safe and healthy air travel.
Also Read: Pre travel tips for staying energized on your trip